Address: Copilco 339, Colonia Copilco Universidad, Coyoacan
Phone Number: +52 (55) 6916-8789 | +52 (55) 1989-3999
Email Address: info@ameikadespachodeinmigracion.com
+52 (55) 6916-8789

The Exchange Visitor, J-1 Visa, is a non-immigrant visa category for individuals approved to participate in work-and study-based exchange visitor programs.
The J-1 Visa provides countless opportunities for international candidates looking to travel and gain experience in the United States. The multifaceted programs enable foreign nationals to come to the U.S. to teach, study, conduct research, demonstrate special skills or receive on the job training for periods ranging from a few weeks to several years.
Sponsors screen and select their program participants according to the eligibility criteria for each program category. Some categories require that a personal interview be part of the screening and selection process. In addition to program-specific criteria, all participants must satisfy English language proficiency and insurance requirements. Sponsors are to provide participants with pre-arrival information prior to their departure from their home countries and an orientation upon their arrival in the United States. Sponsors are also required to monitor the progress and welfare of the participants for the duration of their programs.
J-1: Exchange Visitor Visas

Address: Copilco 339, Colonia Copilco Universidad, Coyoacan | View Map
Telephone: +52 (55) 6916-8789 | Email Address: info@ameikadespachodeinmigracion.com |
Web Site: www.ameikadespachodeinmigracion.com
© 2018 Walter S. Ameika Jr. Law Office